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The Home of Evolutioneers

The Progressive Evolution Controversy

Very few current evolutionary scientists and cosmologists are willing to state openly what they know personally to be true about the directional trajectory and seeming "goals" and "values" of evolution when viewed as a universe-scaled whole system and process. We are not just talking about just the increasing complexity as evolution continues, which almost all scientists will agree to be fact.

We are talking about much more - than Darwin's basic Evolution 1.0 and its increasing complexity, far more than the Evolution 1.5 described by E. O Wilson in his New Synthesis of Sociobiology and many other books.

Evolution 2.0 is far more than that. Evolution 2.0 describes the many levels of directionality within universe evolution and it discloses the current master list of universe evolution meta-principles.

Most of today's evolutionary scientists and cosmologists are not willing to state any more about the directional trajectories and seeming "goals" and "values" of evolution as a universe-scaled whole system and a process due to fears of "political incorrectness" or other professional repercussions from our highly polarized and politicized society.

This reluctance to speak out about the far more comprehensive levels of evolutionary directionality is also present because of the past incorrect and inappropriate associations of evolutionary directionality with Social Darwinism, horrifying Nazi eugenics, or other common public misconceptions about what evolution's directionality (trajectory, goals, and values) actually is.

The nonprofit organization that creates this website has the courage to boldly speak out about these controversial issues on the progressive directionality of evolution found in what is called Evolution 2.0. On this website (and at a few other brave websites and voices,) you will find more information about Evolution 2.0 where the progressive directionality, values, goals, and even the "end of evolution" possibilities of universe evolution are discussed openly and taught.

Here on this website, you will always find an open dialog on what the science-grounded meta-principles and meta-processes of Evolution 2.0 are and what they mean to the future of humanity, including the improvement and evolution of our governments, economics, societies, religions, and the deteriorating environment.

The Universe Spirit website will forward this vital discussion on how to use evolution's directionalized values, meta-principles, and processes to improve our world! Universe Spirit will discuss how the meta-principles of progressive evolution can become the foundation for a universal evolutionary meta-ethic and meta-morality, fostering global cooperation based on common and universal values illuminated by science.

Forwarding the evolutionary science of Evolution 2.0 and how we and the universe can evolve in more sustainable ways will not be restricted by voices misusing and misapplying the philosophic concept of the Naturalistic Fallacy. The Naturalistic Fallacy basically says that a scientific fact cannot ever create a legitimate "ought to" or "should do this" type of social or moral value. (Please note: Evolution 2.0's meta-principles do overcome the argument of the Naturalistic Fallacy. For those of you interested, the counterargument for the meta-principles of evolution legitimately creating "ought to" and "should" type values or "goods" can be found by clicking the next link. How the Universality of Evolution 2.0's Meta-Principles Counters the Naturalistic Fallacy.)

To continue learning more about the many features and qualities of Progressive Evolution, keep clicking the links to the left or right at the bottom of each page of this online booklet. At any time you can click the UP link as well. It will take you to the first page of this online booklet where at the bottom of that page you will find a link to every page in this booklet.
