Like Earth Day events, individuals and organizations worldwide are encouraged to self-organize their 16th annual Universe Day 2024 events to forward this year's Universe Day action messages.
YOU are invited! Join the thousands who will be a part of a FREE climate anxiety, upset, and anger Zoom gathering on May 10th. As of the morning of May 1, almost 2,000 individuals had already signed up.
In addition to Greta Thunberg saying not to expect much from the Glasgow COP26 climate conference, there is a massive opportunity for her leadership to...
There are 3 dangerous reasons and many lesser reasons everyone should vehemently pan then ignore the tragic theatrical farce called the COP26 climate change conference.
Unfortunately, the 9 most dangerous facts of global warming are the least understood by most of humanity. And, what we do not understand if left unmanaged will kill almost everything!
Most people do not understand the following nine facts about global warming. The documentation for these facts is in their full explanations further down this article.
Many big corporations are joining Amazon pledging to be net carbon zero across their businesses by 2040. Here is why that is such a deadly, dangerous, and disastrous twisted joke!
There are three good starting reasons for why these embarrassing pledges are terrible news for all of us:
For 40 years, scientists have been telling us how to fix global warming. We have not listened to them. Our governments squandered 40 valuable years over which we could have gradually made the required global fossil fuel reductions.
Are you feeling any of these emotions about climate change or the environment; anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, depression, dread, grief, worry, resignation, or apathy?
The UN issued the scariest climate report in its history. Find out what they are still not telling you, that's critical to your future!
Unfortunately, the new report by the UN's IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is STILL seriously underestimating climate change consequences.