"The relationship worked out between science and religion will determine the destiny of the human race." ---Alfred Lord Whitehead
The Evolution Spirituality Philosophy is also known as Eco-Spirituality, Universe Spirituality, Evolutionary Spirituality, and Evo-Spirituality. Think about Evolution Spirituality as a new applied philosophy (way of life) grounded in science and an upgraded new system of life-affirming values and ideas that can also create a new form of healthy and balanced open-source, personalized spirituality. (Personalized spirituality means that you are the one who chooses what spiritual principles and practices from humanity's vast and rich open-source spiritual heritage are right for you (not some religious authority.)
One of the best features of the Evolution Spirituality philosophy is that it does not have to include past religious ideas, dogma, and religious practices incompatible with the world's current challenging threats and conditions and the facts of settled science.
This new evolution in healthy and balanced spiritual development is drawn from humanity's long history of individual personal spiritual experience. It also explores and expands the many possibilities of direct personal awareness and experiences of the Great Mystery and what we call the Ever-Present Origin or (Ultimate Reality,) As such, its practices can lead to what is known as both traditional enlightenment and the new evolutionary enlightenment (the realization of one's place within the evolutionary history of the whole universe.
This new Evolution Spirituality philosophy is also grounded in science, particularly science about evolution's most successful processes in the universe. It is what some might consider a perfect balance of science and personal spirituality.
The Evolution Spirituality philosophy is different because it also has many completely secular value areas like the Universe Principles that can be practiced in completely secular ways. This means that if you are not spiritually inclined or are an atheist, agnostic, or humanist, you can use all of the science-grounded ideas and practices found within the fully secular areas of the Evolution Spirituality philosophy and still be a practicing member of the Evolution Spirituality community, our new Universe Eco-Communities, and the Evolution 2.0 movement.
Because our natural world is in such trouble, Evolution Spirituality also embraces the ideas of modern eco-spirituality. We forward the much-needed new ethical and moral perspectives of eco-spirituality. Eco-spirituality, in the most simple of terms, holds that:
a. humanity is an intimate and integral part of nature and does not own nature or is humanity separate from it,
b. humanity must stop using the natural world and our atmosphere as a toilet for its pollutants, and,
c. humanity cannot treat and use the natural world as an "infinite" extraction resource and treasure chest. It must stop all over-exploitation of the natural world, which harms current and future generations, and other biological life forms.
For more on modern eco-spirituality ideas, click here.
How the Evolution Spirituality Philosophy differs from the Older Forms of Religion
Before expanding the definition of Evolution Spirituality further, it is helpful to say something about the earlier versions of spirituality and religion. Religion 1.0 is traditional "old-time" religion and spirituality with all of its dogma, exclusive or special authorities, and rituals.
Religion 1.5 includes the most life-affirming ideas of the newer progressive religious and spiritual movements like the Unitarian Universalists, Creation Spirituality, process theology, liberation theology, Integral Spirituality, and even some of the "Newer Age" religions like Unity and Religious Science without their inappropriate or no longer applicable, beliefs, qualities, authorities, and practices.
Religion 2.0 (Evolution Spirituality) is a major upgrade on the older versions of religion and 1.0 and 1.5. Religion 2.0 (Evolution Spirituality) transcends the worst of religion 1.0 and religion 1.5 while still including their best qualities.
While Evolution Spirituality (Religion 2.0) differs greatly from Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5, it still honors and includes the best of what Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 offer. Evolution Spirituality transcends but can still include the best goals and most life-affirming ideas and practices from Religion 1.0 and Religion 1.5 without their many known pathologies and prejudices.
This quality reflects one of the most important aspects of Evolution Spirituality which is personal choice, which is always honored. You are always the one who gets to decide how much, how little, or what parts of the Evolution Spirituality, Religion 1.5, or Religion 1.0 that you want to use!
Because of Evolution Spirituality's strong science grounding, practitioners of its principles can significantly improve their evolutionary fitness, adaptability, and control of their environments and function more cooperatively and successfully as groups and in groups. Evolution Spirituality practitioners also participate in something far greater than themselves by helping to consciously co-create and forward the universe's progressive evolutionary progress and adventure.
"We do not belong to ourselves, even mostly. We belong to the universe." Buckminster Fuller
Because it is both a personal spirituality and a philosophy of life grounded in science, it provides its practitioners the deepest meanings and purpose for their lives.
The Evolution Spirituality philosophy is a completely new emergence in our planet's biological and cultural evolution and in spirituality and religion like nothing else that has ever come before. It also has many other unique features and qualities that you will not find in Religion 1.0 or Religion 1.5.
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