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The Home of Evolutioneers

Our Universe Spirit Centers and Communities

(Please Note: Most of this event and other information below has evolved as the organization has evolved over the years. These web pages help to show the current activities and some of the history of the organization. The educational, advocacy and other services of Universe Spirit and Evolution Spirituality are now delivered online on this website and at our Universe Spirit administrative centers and at independent Universe Communities.)

Click here for the Directions and location of our San Francisco Center. 

The San Francisco Administrative Center(s) of the Universe Spirit Non-profit organization

We now call our San Francisco Universe Spirit administrative center the headquarters for all our online activities issues in the areas of:

a.) universe evolution (on how its principles can help planetary evolution,)

b.) Evolution Spirituality (that is healthy, inclusive, universe-scaled, and universal and

c.) learning how to become responsible, informed, and effective Universe Citizens. 

Our San Francisco Universe Spirit administrative center is amazingly beautiful and unique. It is floating in the San Francisco bay surrounded by water and 360-degree views. It is an astounding place for all types of educational and spiritual events.

In addition to the natural splendor of amazing views of the San Francisco bay, visiting our administrative center is a unique educational experience in itself. Our administrative center currently serves as our:

  1. Administrative research center on the role of progressive evolution as it relates to improving the future,
  2. Staff training center.
  3. Housing for our online support staff or guests, 
  4. Audio, video, and print production studio for creating our online Evolution and Evolution Spirituality educational materials, videos as well as other new online content for our website.
  5. International administrative offices and online services management for the organization,
  6. A vehicle and tool that can respond to help our community in an-eco, natural or other disaster or emergency with generators, water purification systems cooking facilities, and emergency housing.

Click here for the Directions and location of our San Francisco Center. 

Future Locations

We have a plan for setting up new centers around the world. If you are interested in helping us do this, go to the Members section at the Job One for Humanity website and then click the Introducing the Universe Eco-community link. It has all of the information you will need.

Update 2.14.21: We have grown considerably over the last 7 years. Our intentions, (which we invite you to join in,) are to find a new larger center for our growing community. We ask for your intentional and physical support in this search for this new sacred space. Ideally, we would like to find some individual or corporation, which understands our important mission and would donate part or all of this new center to us as our first center was donated.

To learn more about our organization, click here.

About Our New Universe Name and Organizational Legal Structure

In late December 2007, the legal predecessor organization that owned the Universe Spirit DBA name (Integrative Spirituality Inc,) was wholly transferred to a Colorado 5013(c) nonprofit educational organization called Factnet. As such Universe Spirit now is a part of Factnet as one of its DBA's and is also an IRS recognized non-profit 501c3 organization that can receive donations. 


Click here for the Directions and location of our San Francisco Center. 

