Introduction: All rights and freedoms have corresponding responsibilities. This statement is the responsibility-side companion to the Universe Declaration of Human Rights but written from a perspective that embraces the principles of progressive evolution and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. It also embraces in its language that humanity is at the threshold of exploring and inhabiting other planets.
It is recognized within the Universe Community and if you are of a spiritual nature, the Evolution Spirituality movement as a statement of the universe's progressive evolution-based implied responsibilities that we encourage our members to embrace in creating a New Universe Worldview congruent successful and sustainable lifestyle. This document is also a compilation of other work derived from the original version of the Universe Declaration of Human Responsibilities created by another organization found at the websites listed at the end of this position paper…
Whether we realize it or not we are all embedded in the universe and are its de facto planetary and universe citizens. As planetary and universe citizens we have responsibilities just as we have rights.
Our universe and planet are precious, fragile, and beautiful. The universe and her people need to be cherished and nurtured with care and vision. They can survive and flourish only if a shared universe-based ethic is both affirmed and followed.
As women, men, and planetary and universe citizens who embrace precepts and practices of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview as it embraces the world's sciences, progressive evolution, the New universe Worldview and the world's heritage of life-affirming spiritual wisdom:
WE ACKNOWLEDGE that we have fallen short of these guidelines and principles. In many places, our home planet in the universe is broken and in agony. In many places, the suffering is so pervasive that we must urgently recognize the anguish so that the depth of weeping and pain may be made clear. In many places peace and justice is elusive... the planet is being destroyed...neighbors live in fear... women and men are estranged from one another... the young die needlessly.
WE CONFESS our complicity in this tragedy. We have too often failed in the interpretations of our traditions and thus contributed to injustice. We seek forgiveness so that we might begin afresh to live together with a universe-based ethic.
A universe-based ethic challenges and helps to heal the abuses of the universe and the earth's ecosystem; the poverty that stifles life's potential; the hunger that weakens the human body; the economic disparities that threaten so many families and nations with ruin; the social disarray of the nations; the disregard for justice which pushes citizens to the margin; the anarchy overtaking communities; the insane death from violence. In particular, a universe-based ethic helps correct all exploitation, aggression, and hatred committed in the name of religion.
WE BELIEVE a universe-scaled progressive evolution-based ethic is necessary for healing and celebrating life. This ethic offers the possibility of a better and sustainable individual, planetary and universe-based thriving order, and leads individuals away from dispute and societies away from chaos.
WE PLEDGE ourselves as members of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview movement to implement this new universe-scaled-progressive evolution based ethic in order to sustain our precious, fragile, and beautiful universe and planet; in order to serve and to understand one another better, and in order to hold one another accountable for creating ways that lead to justice and peace.
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the Universe and on our home planet Earth implies obligations or responsibilities,
whereas the exclusive insistence on rights can result in conflict, division, and endless dispute, and the neglect of human responsibilities can lead to lawlessness and chaos,
whereas the rule of law and the promotion of human rights depend upon the readiness of men and women to act justly,
whereas planetary problems demand universe congruent solutions which can only be achieved through alignment with the principles of progressive evolution and that also respect the progressive evolution aligned ideas, values, and norms respected by all cultures and societies,
whereas all people, to the best of their knowledge and ability, have a responsibility to foster a better social order, both at home, on the planet and within the universe as a whole, a goal which cannot be achieved by laws, prescriptions, and conventions alone,
whereas human aspirations for progress and improvement can only be realized by agreed universal values, principles and standards applying to all people and institutions at all times,
Fundamental Principles for Humanity:
Article 1
Every person, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, race, social status, political opinion, sexual orientation, language, age, nationality, religion, or planetary origin, has a responsibility to treat all people in a humane way.
Article 2
No person should lend support to any form of inhumane behavior, but all people have a responsibility to strive for the dignity and self-esteem of all others.
Article 3
No person, no group or organization, no state, no army or police stands above good and evil; all are subject to universal congruent ethical standards. Everyone has a responsibility to promote good and to avoid evil in all things.
Article 4
All people, endowed with reason and conscience, must accept a responsibility to each and all, to families and communities, to races, nations, religions, and planets in a spirit of solidarity: What you do not wish to be done to yourself, do not do to others.
Non-Violence and Respect for Life:
Article 5
Every person has a responsibility to respect life. No one has the right to injure, torture or kill another human person. This does not exclude the right of justified self-defense of individuals or communities.
Article 6
Every human being is always to be treated as an end, never as a mere means, always as a subject of rights, never as a mere object, whether in business, politics, communication, scientific research, or other areas of life
Article 7
Disputes between states, groups or individuals, and planets should be resolved without violence. No government should tolerate or participate in acts of genocide or terrorism, nor should it abuse women, children, or any other civilians as instruments of war. Every citizen and public official has a responsibility to act in a peaceful, non-violent way.
Article 8
Every person is infinitely precious and must be protected.
Article 9
The lives of animals and plants which inhabit this planet with us likewise deserve protection, preservation, and care. That is, we humans are a part of nature, not apart from nature. Hence, as beings with the capacity of foresight we bear a special responsibility - especially with a view to future generations - for the air, water, and soil, that is, for the earth, and the universe.
Article 10
No person or organization has the right to use undue psychological influence, coercive psychological tactics, or any form of physical or technological mind control that robs the individual of the meaningful execution of their informed consent or free will.
Justice and Solidarity:
Article 11
Every person has a responsibility to behave with integrity, honesty, and fairness. No person or group should rob or arbitrarily deprive any other person or group of their property.
Article 12
Property, limited or large, carries with it an obligation; ownership not only permits the personal use of property but also entails the responsibility to serve the common good.
Article 13
All people, given the necessary tools, have a responsibility to be productive and engage in fair exchange and make serious efforts to overcome poverty, malnutrition, ignorance, and inequality. All people should promote sustainable development all over the world in order to help assure dignity, freedom, security, and justice for all people.
Article 14
All people, given the necessary tools, have a responsibility to be sufficiently productive to be able to contribute taxes and other proportionate surpluses produced to the common good and common well-being either through their representative governments or public charities. At this time, it is only through taxes and donations, which are created and collected from the production of all people that we are collectively able to support and enable our universal human rights. The funding of universal health care, universal education, and the many other universal human rights comes only and exclusively from our individual and collective abundant productivity. Therefore, is among the greatest of universal and personal responsibilities to be abundantly productive and to duly contribute your appropriate taxes and other surpluses to and for the common good according to the current taxation agreements of the location in which you find yourself.
Article 15
Economic and political power should not be misused as instruments of domination, but for service to humanity. Therefore mutual respect and the will to mediation should be fostered so as to reach a reasonable balance of interests in a sense of moderation and fairness.
Article 16
Wherever rulers repress the ruled, institutions threaten persons, or might oppresses right, human beings have not only the right but the responsibility to resist - always initially and whenever possible non-violently.
Article 17
All people have a responsibility to develop their talents through diligent endeavor; they should have equal access to education and to meaningful work. Everyone should lend support to the needy, the disadvantaged, the disabled, and to the victims of discrimination.
Article 18
All property and wealth must be used responsibly in accordance with justice and for the advancement of the human race. Economic and political power must not be handled as an instrument of domination, but in the service of economic justice and of the social order.
Truthfulness and Tolerance:
Article 19
Every person has a responsibility to speak and act truthfully. No one, however high or mighty, should speak lies. The right to personal privacy and to personal and professional confidentiality is to be respected.
Article 20
No politicians, public servants, members of the military, intelligence agency members, business leaders, scientists, writers, or artists are exempt from general or universal human ethical standards and law, nor are physicians, lawyers, and other professionals who have special duties to clients. Professional and other codes of ethics should reflect the priority of general standards such as those of truthfulness and fairness.
Article 21
The freedom of the media to inform the public and to criticize institutions of society and governmental actions, which is essential for a just society, must be used with responsibility and discretion. Freedom of the media carries a special responsibility for accurate and truthful reporting. Sensational false reporting that degrades the human person or dignity must at all times be avoided. The communications media, to whom the freedom to report for the sake of truth is entrusted and to whom the office of guardian granted, do not stand above ethics but have the obligation to respect human dignity, human rights, and fundamental values. They are duty-bound to objectivity, fairness, and humaneness. Hence, they have no right to intrude into individuals' private spheres, manipulate public opinion, or distort reality.
Article 22
While religious freedom must be guaranteed, the representatives of religions have a special responsibility to avoid expressions of prejudice and acts of discrimination toward those of different beliefs. They should not incite or legitimize hatred, fanaticism, and religious wars, but should foster tolerance and mutual respect between all people. Nor should the representatives of religions ever physically or mentally harm or abuse their own members or those they deem to be adversarial to their religious beliefs.
Mutual Respect and Partnership:
Article 23
All individuals and groups are obliged not to treat other persons as mere sex objects or disadvantage them because of their sexuality. No one should subject another person to sexual exploitation or dependence. Rather, sexual partners should accept the responsibility of caring for each other's well-being and should treat each other in their sexual and kindred relationships with respect and as equal partners.
Article 24
Marriage, which, despite its cultural and religious variety, should be characterized by love, loyalty, and permanence and guarantee mutual security and support.
Article 25
Sensible family planning is the responsibility of every couple. The relationship between parents and children should reflect mutual love, respect, appreciation, and concern. No parents or other adults should exploit, abuse, or maltreat children.
Article 26
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any state, secretive government agency, group, corporation, or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the responsibilities, rights, and freedom set forth in this Declaration and in the Universe Declaration Declaration of Universal Human Rights.
This document is derived in most part from the following web documents:
Making it Practical
To make the above easier to understand and use in day-to-day practical living, the meta-patterns of universe progressive evolution and the intrinsic conditioning qualities of the universe have been formulated into two documents called the Universe Principles of Sustainability. These Universe Principles of Sustainability are the universe-based, science-grounded ethical principles and guidelines that will more effectively allow us to make new common agreements that will help us better utilize current resources to resolve current planetary challenges.
This will also help us as individuals and organizations enact this document in a principled, fair, and wise manner. These principles may even help us act together as a new type of functioning "planetary country" composed of many different nation-states.
To help you more easily understand and use the universe meta patterns and intrinsic conditioning qualities or progressive evolution the following New Universe Principles of Life links have been provided.
The New Universe Principles of Sustainability Part 1: The 12 Most Proven Actions Needed to Create a Sustainable and Successful Life, Organization and Planet
Click Here for Part One of The New Universe Principles of Sustainability
The Universe Principles of Sustainability Part 2: The 9 most Essential Right Attitudes for Successful and Sustainable Action
Click Here for Part Two of The Universe Principles of Sustainability
(Note 1: The terms Universe Citizen or Universe Citizenship includes the most life-affirming and progressive evolution aligned principles of other movements such as; Cosmopolitanism, Global citizenship, Postnationalism, Planetary Citizenship, Transnationalism, World Federalists, World government, World citizenship, and Earth citizenship while still transcending them with a far larger universe-based scale as well as many other new ideas and principles.)
(Note 2; In order to be the most effective evolutionary and planetary citizen that you can be, one also really needs to be a Universe Citizen. With the universe-scaled evolutionary perspective and universe-scaled wisdom of a Universe Citizen problems that seem unsolvable to an individual holding just the perspective and wisdom of planetary citizens get solved.)