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The Home of Evolutioneers

The Basics of the Integral Universe Spirit Movement and Our Organization

Select the link below that most appeals to your greatest current interest and begin reading there. The links are arranged in an order that goes from the most basic and important information about what we are doing first to more expanded and detailed information.

1.) Our Great News (The most basic and beautiful spiritual ideas about you and life held within this new spiritual movement.)

2.) Our Three Great Spiritual Adventures and Journeys (The three main directions of spiritual exploration within our new movement.)

3.) Ways to Live an Authentic Spiritual Lifestyle in the twenty first century to create a better world for all.

4.) Our Benefits (What you can expect to receive from your involvement with this new spiritual movement.)

5.) Our Universe Principles of Life for the practical daily action and attitude principles that will empower your daily life and spiritual goals.

6.) To find out even more about this integral new Evolution Spirituality, our principles, staff and Life and Spirit facilitators, our current goals, our locations, our ceremonies etc., go to the About Us link at the top of this page and follow the branching to what interests you most or click this What's Next link and go back to our other getting started options.

In fairness to yourself...

While exploring this new spiritual adventure and evolution of spirituality we ask that you to keep in mind the following good rule of thumb:

When evaluating any new spiritual approach allow at least six months of diligent, proper practice to manifest a significant, personally important and noticeable improvement in one's life. You will experience many personal improvements before then using the materials on this website, but please allow the full 6 months of learning and practice before doing a major evaluation of your overall progress. 



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