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Partnership as defined here is developed from the concepts offered by Riane Eisler and David Loyle in their book, "The Partnership Way: New Tools for Healing and Learning, Healing Our Families, Our Communities, and Our World."

The concept of partnership is in contrast to Patriarchy, also called a dominator model, a way of living based on physical or psychological control that leads to other forms of control through social systems such as politics, economics, and religion, among others.

The partnership model described by Eisler and Loyle is, on the social level, an alternative to both patriarchy and matriarchy. On the personal level, it means interactions based on mutual respect, deep listening, and empowerment.

Partnership can be created between genders, parents and children, friends and colleagues. It can work between organizations, communities, and nations. It can be something we facilitate in ourselves through psycho-spiritual growth. It can also be a recognition of interconnectedness with our natural environment and with the Divine in a new form of spiritual evolution.

For greater detail on the partnership model, see "Toward a Partnership Society: An Interview" with Riane Eisler at: http://www.partnershipway.org/html/subpages/articles/towardpart.htm. For the principles of partnership in organizations, see: http://www.partnershipway.org/html/subpages/articles/organization.htmNIKE HYPERLIVE EP