In true Gen X, Y, Z, and A openness and style, Universe Day is a no-ownership, no-egos, get-the-message-out-now local and worldwide co-created event. Imitate it, adapt it, improve it, and share it widely and freely!
Announcing the 16th annual Universe Day!
Universe Day is an annual celebration of the Universe's birthday and honoring the Universe's many gifts in our lives. It occurs on a Saturday in April this year, on April 13th, 2024.
Like Earth Day events, individuals and organizations worldwide are encouraged to self-organize their 16th annual Universe Day 2024 events to forward this year's Universe Day messages.
On this 16th annual Universe Day celebration, we invite you to gather with friends to:
a. Celebrate the Universe's birthday by setting aside some time by yourself or with friends to appreciate and celebrate the beauty and wonder of the Universe we live in, which continually sustains us, all life, and everything else!
b. Also, please consider where you can best enact smart solutions to help fix our beautiful Earth's accelerating climate change emergency!
Here is a simple fast action:
Encourage people everywhere to sign this simple Climate Change State of Emergency petition.
(Please note: Some links on this page below will take you back to our older website as we are still working on getting everything transferred over to our new Universe Spirit website. here.)
Here are some other suggested actions for Universe Day 2024
1.) See every problem one faces as an equal or greater opportunity and possible benefit if wisely met and managed. For example, the world's number 1 problem is rapidly accelerating climate change and global warming. This is one essential, life-critical area where we must act together and be effective transnational planetary universe citizens and evolutioneers.
2.) Help build more worldwide climate-safe, resilient, and sustainable communities. Help prepare them for our escalating climate change emergency! Click here for how you can help do this.
3.) Consider how you might better act as universe citizens and as a planetary Evolutioneer. As such, we are responsible for acting from a long-term and big-picture universe evolutionary perspective to wisely forward the evolution of all life on our planet to benefit humanity, its future, and all other living species. These are critical global citizenship responsibilities that transcend our national citizenship.
4.) Find new ways to honor the Universe and its origin, (the Great Mystery) and the many gifts you receive from the Universe every day. Click here if you are curious to see the many cross-cultural names humanity has accumulated for the Great Mystery and the Origin of our spectacular Universe.
What will you do for the Universe on this 16th annual Universe Day Celebration?
The Universe and its beautiful planet, Earth, need you to help care for and protect it. You can do this by:
1. "Like" Universe Day International with thousands of others on Facebook!
2. Creating a local celebration and event to engage self, community, planet, and the Universe.
3. Learning more about the steps of Job One for Humanity's climate change actions!
4. Learning more about being a planetary evolutioneer and universe citizen in the great evolutionary adventure.
5. Share this event with your friends!
Ideas, tips, and pointers for creating your own 16th annual Local Universe Day event?
Like Earth Day events, individuals and organizations all over the planet are encouraged to host their own Universe Day events to forward the Universe Day messages. To review tips for creating a successful Universe Day event, go to (This link may take you to our old site as we are still in transition to our new site here.)
What Else You Can Do to Learn More
The foundational idea behind the message of Universe Day is derived in part from the wisdom of Albert Einstein when he said: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Of course, one doesn't have to be a scientist, activist, or political analyst to know that the challenges faced worldwide (the climate change emergency, war, other environmental degradation, the unstable global economy...) all have serious consequences. But rather than merely feeling overwhelmed by these issues, the impetus behind Universe Day is to expand one's perspective on how one thinks about them (as Planetary Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens) and --- shift our lives into better alignment with universe-scaled and Universe evolution-informed solutions.
Universe Day is essentially a challenge to all of us. Tremendous technological leaps have extended the vision of the naked eye well over a million times. With recent innovations in astronomy and evolutionary science, we've discovered more factual knowledge about the Universe in the last 20 years than in all of human history. With these leaps in our collective vision, we are touched and impacted in our consciousness by the rareness and miracle of what we have here on Earth. In other words, just as the universal informs us at the personal level, so does it transform our planetary perspectives. Can we use these new extensions to our collective eyes, ears, hearts, and souls to examine what this planet and Universe mean to us in the bigger evolutionary context and panorama?
Please note: The links below may take you to our old Universe Spirit site, as we are still transitioning to our new site.
To view Universe Day press releases click here. (This will take you to our old site as we are still in the process of converting everything over to our new site.)
For more information on what planetary Evolutioneers are, go here:
Please share this Universe Day 2024 Article so your friends have time to plan their Saturday, April 13th celebrations!
Someday, Universe Day may even be bigger than Earth Day!
The non-profit organizations of Job One for Humanity and the Universe Spirit facilitate Universe Day. You can learn more about everything mentioned just above on these websites. Job One for Humanity and
About 12,000 people have viewed our Universe Day message!