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The Evolution Spirituality 1 Minute Meditation: Is this the Most Useful, One Minute Meditation Ever Created?

Key Things to Know Before Using the Evolution Spirituality One Minute Integral Meditation Process

  1. It’s a fast meditation that gets faster the more you do it. After practice, some people can get it done in considerably less time than 1 minute --- some in just seconds.
  2. It's easy enough to be done by individuals who have never meditated before. It is also effective enough to demonstrate to long-term meditators a positive new surge in their meditation experience and spiritual growth.
  3. It's an integral and ultimately practical meditation that you can use every day every time you have a problem or just want to bring your best to some opportunity.
  4. Its three steps work best when you apply and adapt them by using your own highest spiritual wisdom as well as your favorite spiritual experiences. Each spiritual denomination has language, images, metaphors, icons, and processes that can and should be either adapted or used directly when doing the steps below. At our center in San Francisco, we encourage all meditation attendees to use what they already know or that has spiritually worked well and most comfortable for them in the past, (language, metaphors, images, icons, and processes) at least at first when doing any of our integrative relationship meditations such as the One Minute Integral Meditation.

You are now ready to start using it! Many amazing thoughts, feelings, sensations, intuitions, cognitions, etc. are possible both during and after you do the following meditation on a regular basis. You may also discover that the more that you do it, the more it becomes a natural awareness and habit that brings new successes to every area of your daily life.

The Three Steps of the Evolution Spirituality One-Minute Integral Meditation Process

The only way you will ever really discover just how effective this One Minute Integral Meditation is--- is to begin using it and testing it in your life. To test its empowerment potentials we suggest that you begin by doing it at least 3-5 times per day or every time some personal situation arises that gives you challenge. Do this for 7 days and then evaluate for yourself just how much this new meditation has improved your life or the situations where you used it.

Step 1:
In step one all you do is experience and be as fully as possible your truest self, and nothing more. As fully and as aware as possible here you just “drop into” or become or be your own most essential, authentic, and highest identity, Self, spirit, Atman, consciousness, or soul depending upon how you or your denomination describes this purest individual spiritual or consciousness state to be.

Step 2:
Requires that while still being and holding your most essential, authentic, and highest identity, Self, Atman, consciousness, spirit, or soul, you simultaneously connect to your favorite or best sense of or, understanding of an aspect or state of the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality that interconnects us all. No matter what your denomination or spiritual background, in the words, icons, metaphors, and images that most resonate with you connect to that state, aspect, or totality that best represents your favorite understanding of the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality that interconnects us all.

Some Important Tips for Step 2…

For your learning ease and maximum success with Step 2 please note that as you first start doing Step 2 it is very important to pick your favorite or best sense and understanding of an aspect or state of the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality. After you have done this a while you will find that you will be able to do this step with any aspect or state of the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality.

Use any language, metaphor, image, icon, or concept from your denomination or spiritual experience that especially speaks to you even if it is not on the list below of terms from both eastern and western spiritual traditions that have been used for the impersonal, personal, evolutionary, or consciousness names of the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality that unites us all.

Absolute Spirit or Absolute Consciousness
Absolute Inclusiveness
Cosmic Christ
Divine Feminine,
(Kali, Oya, Pele, Mary, Shakti, Black Madonna or any of the other many names for Goddess embodying Absolute Divinity in a female manifestation.)
Divine Mother
Divine Mystery
Divine Presence
Divine Providence
Ein Sof
Ever Present Origin
Great Interconnectedness
Great Mother
Great Mystery (This is the definition of Ultimate Reality/Gob used most often in Evolution Spirituality. Click here for it special definition.)
Great Spirit
Great Union
Great Radiance
Great Relationship
Great Unity
Higher Power
Highest Essence
Highest Self
Holy Spirit
I am Who am (a non-qualitative personal Divinity)
Infinite Consciousness
Infinite Essence
Infinite Mystery
Infinite o­ne
Infinite o­neness
Infinite Source
Infinite Spirit
Infinite Wholeness
Integrative Consciousness
Integrative Spirit
Larger Self
Nondual Awareness
Original Essence
Original Organizing Principle
Pre Big Bang Reality
Post Big Bang Reality
The Cosmos
The Source
The Evolutionary Absolute
The Infinite
The Great Oneness
The Great Radiance 
The Great Spirit
The Tao
The Great Unified Field
The Great Unity
The Force
The Tripartite Absolute, (a term Universe Spirit uses for the combined Personal, Evolutionary and Impersonal absolutes of God)
The Absolute Trinity or TriUnity
The Supreme
The Ultimate
The Universe
Total Reality
Total Pre and Post Big Bang Reality
Ultimate Concern
Ultimate Reality
Ultimate Truth
Ultimate Unity or Oneness
Ultimate Wholeness
Universal One
Wakan Taka

The idea of connection has many levels. The simplest initial way that you can connect to Ultimate Reality is through your attention. Start by just putting your attention on your favorite or best sense and understanding of an aspect or state of the Ultimate Reality and you are in the first level of spiritual connection.

For some people, it works best to connect through actively thinking about what they already know about their favorite/best sense and understanding of an aspect or state of that Ultimate Reality. No matter what your denomination or spiritual background it is likely a lot has been written about your favorite/best sense and understanding of an aspect or state of that Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality. You can actively think about that descriptive material and deepen the level of spiritual connection to the second level.

Others connect best by opening their heart and connecting in their own favorite ways to their favorite/best sense and understanding of an aspect or state or even the totality of that Ultimate Reality. The heart has many ways to connect. Flowing out respect, admiration, love, gratitude, and even adoration or worship in some denominations are great ways to connect through your heart and achieve the third level of spiritual connection.

It does not matter what level of connection you use in Step 2. Just connect always first selecting the connection style most resonates with your personality, spiritual wisdom, or experience, or current denomination. It does not matter how you connect, only that you do connect to Ultimate Reality.

Step 3:

While still simultaneously “holding” both of the awareness that you are holding in Steps 1 and 2 above then add in connecting to the most essential, authentic, and highest identity, Self, spirit, Atman, consciousness, or soul of the other person or thing.

This also can be done in numerous creative ways. You can imagine or just “connect” mentally and/or with your heart to whatever you experience or sense as the most essential, authentic, and highest identity, Self, spirit, Atman, consciousness, or soul of that individual or thing.

When you “meet” another person (or thing) in this profound and deep way many positive and unique experiences can emerge. Some individuals experience the “other” as a single word, ideal, or phrase. Some individuals experience each other as an image or metaphor. Some individuals experience each other as unique and/or similar to their own highest concepts of the most essential, authentic, and highest identity, Self, spirit, Atman, consciousness, or soul. Each of us is different so those experiences of meeting other at the highest most authentic Essence will be different as well. (If the "other" is a thing or circumstance and not a person, you can just imagine, sense or feel the embodied presence of the highest possible or potential Essence of the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality that interconnects us all in that thing or circumstance.)

You are Now Ready to Put the Three Steps to the Test!

Whenever you encounter difficult situations involving other people (or even things) or, you just want to bring your best to the situation we recommend that you practice the One Minute Integral Meditation technique and notice for yourself what happens using this perspective expanding and potential realizing mega-meditation tool. Once you begin to experience its results you will find yourself repeating it daily until it becomes a natural habit and new spiritual practice. For many, holding this triune awareness has opened up completely new solutions that were either impossible or invisible until this practical and spiritualized multi-perspective awareness was activated. We strongly recommend that you take the testing of this empowering meditation to the next level. Test this transformational meditation out by doing it daily for 30 days as described in the meditation materials. Try to do it 3 times per day.

If you miss doing it 3 times a day, keep doing it beyond the 30 days so you get at least 90 repetitions of this one minute meditation. Once you have reached 90 repetitions over a 30 to 90 day period please email us at manage@universespirit.org and let us know the results of your testing.

Why Could This One Minute Integral Meditation Be Important to your Daily Life?

  1. It helps renew and release vast untapped personal growth and transformational potentials by dramatically expanding who or what you conceive of self, other, nature, culture, relationship, and the ALL to be.
  2. It helps heal and re-balance the fragmentation, polarization, isolation, and subtle cynicism that frequently results from 21st century living by creating a new practical spiritualized holism and in some cases a revitalized sense of meaning and/or achievable purpose.
  3. It helps you create and find more effective, life-affirming, and spiritualized perspectives and solutions for every challenge or dream you have. Equipped with these new perspectives you now can more wisely participate in co-evolving any area of your own life and future toward more truth, beauty, goodness reflecting the Great Unity and Great Mystery that interconnects us all…

For Those of You Who Want to Understand How and Why it Works

  1. With practice, the triune perspective and quality of being that the One Minute Integral Meditation creates can sometimes instantly empower and improve any doing or having issue in which you are involved. Great Sages have said that the quality and state of one’s “being” conditions and qualifies the quantity and quality of what you do and what you have. Many have found by using this meditation they were better able to peacefully look and listen, be receptive, and accepting of the real "isness" or facts of the situation, as well as bring an initially neutral, non-judgmental perspective to the evaluation phase of any situation.
  2. You probably will discover that as you use the One Minute Integral Meditation your very best and the other's very best will more easily surface to be utilized. This is in part again because its triune perspective honors all highest Essences present as well as their potentials.
  3. This triune relationship perspective of highest Essences (subjective, objective, and inter-subjective) also acts to desensitize and dissolve dualities and dichotomies from within the perspective of a more inclusive and transcending relational higher union. Living from and within this higher relational union of spiritualized perspectives has the ability and potential to improve everything --- in part because it facilitates a natural recognition and synthesis of One-ment and the union of oneness!

Other Spiritual Reasons Why this Evolution Spirituality One Minute Integral Tri-Unity Meditation Works so Well

  1. Mystics and saints from both eastern and western traditions have said that when one makes and holds the triune and integral connection to the highest essence of themselves, the highest essence of another and the Highest Essence that which interconnects all things (the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality), either separately or together, better things usually happen. Because of this integral and practical spiritual connectedness transformation of a situation or individual improvement is possible at a significantly greater rate than is common in normal day-to-day polarized and duality-driven awareness. In fact, holding just one level of highest Essence by itself alone (doing just one of the three steps of this meditation on a regular basis) is capable of producing significant transformation!
  2. Of all the relationship connections, the connection between the individual with the Ultimate Reality has the greatest individual transformational potentials. This is because the individual is open and by their free will act of connecting has decided to “ask for” or allow transformation to “grace,” support, or assist them. When a transformational connection (grace, chi, prana, etc. ) flows from Ultimate Reality to the individual what things are not possible to be improved?
  3. It works effectively for improving one's life and relationships because unlike many other types of meditations that focus on being aware of or managing the ego, fears, or other negative thoughts, these meditations focus on the highest "rightness" within the individual and the “other” as well as the highest rightness in relation to Ultimate Reality that interconnects us all. There is ample research that focusing on "rightness" creates more "rightness" more effectively than focusing on the negatives. If this research is right, focusing on the highest or most essential "rightnesses" and empowerments that spiritually exist cannot but help!
  4. In this highest Essence relationship holding meditation experience, the individual connects first with their own highest and most authentic self and then simultaneously connects in their most favorite way to the Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality that interconnects us all. Then finally the individual connects with others at deep, authentic levels of pure Essence. This deep connection naturally facilitates a unique, mystical-like, and empowered relationship experience in individual, group, and Great Unity/Consciousness/Ultimate Reality intimacy and interconnection.

Special Section For the Integral Consciousness Community:

The Integral Nature and Qualities Used in the One Minute Integral Meditation
The One Minute Integral Meditation was designed to incorporate integral philosophy and integral spirituality principles into its design in practical ways. Some of those integral principles that we have incorporated in this meditation are:

  1. Providing a deeper and broader tools that map of the evolution of known spiritual reality and that embrace an inclusive, multiple perspective and holonic way of looking at and understanding life and spiritual development.
  2. Excluding nothing essential needed for wholeness in the area of spirituality.
  3. Including, transcending, and synthesizing. We strive toward including the most useful perspectives and values from all previous spiritual traditions where contextually appropriate, while simultaneously pruning away contextually inappropriate spiritual perspectives and values.
  4. Uniting all things in a coherent and structured matrix of relationships. We strive to have our meditations and spiritual processes combine inner (subjective), outer (objective), and the inter-subjective (relational) perspectives on any phenomena, whether singular or collective.
  5. Anticipating what more appropriate spiritual solution or process comes next in the unfolding of the evolutionary process. These new spiritual processes and solutions are shifted away from polarizing and marginalizing, right or wrong, either/or, left or right, dualistic partial systems or choices toward more inclusive, comprehensive both/and systems and solutions. That’s because integral solutions embrace the entire evolutionary developmental spectrum of the spiritual life of all humanity, allowing the lessons of previously exclusive and competitive spiritual traditions to be systematically meshed, layered, and harmoniously integrated to serve the spiritual well-being of the whole evolutionary spiral of life at this time.
  6. Embracing new forms of non-pathological, open-source integral spirituality that is congenial to science, philosophy, and art, and more spiritually universal in its perspectives.

If you liked the meditations above, you may also like our 3-5 minute relationship meditations described here.

And finally,

Please Help Us Share and Distribute This Meditation Breakthrough!

Please feel free to share this (r)evolutionary One Minute Integral Meditation description with anyone you like under the Creative Commons copyright principles for non-commercial free sharing. If you do share this freely with others for non-commercial purposes, always mention our name, Universe Spirit at universespirit.org, as the originator of this new meditation form and description. (For more about the Creative Commons go to http://creativecommons.org .)

Also, please feel free to email us at manage@universespirit.org and let us know about your successes using the One Minute Integral Meditation. Feel free to send us any comments, experiments, and suggestions you might have for improvements to it or its description. We are an evolutionary, open-source, and integral spirituality that believes that great wisdom and balance is achievable through engaged spiritual community sharing wisdom.


Lawrence Wollersheim
Executive Director Universe Spirit

PS. If you liked this article, also please check out How to Experience a New, Integral and (R)evolutionary Form of Integrative Relationship Meditation in Just Minutes! And, How Complete, Integral and Effective are Your Current Spiritual Practices?

These articles on our website offers new perspectives about what creates an effective, balanced, and personalized spiritual practice. The second one will help you to recognize how much of your current spiritual practice incorporates the most recognized, and effective classic through postmodern methods for building a congruent and authentic spiritual lifestyle. You might just find out that you are doing a lot better than you ever dreamed!

