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The Home of Evolutioneers

The Four Basics of Being an Evolution Spirituality Practitioner and Evolutioneer, Planetary Citizen and Universe Citizen

(Special Note: If you are of a spiritual nature, the emergence of the new Evolution Spirituality as found on this website is a natural consequence of our increased scientific understanding of evolution and life and the emergence of a new Universe Evolutionary Worldview. In spite of Evolution Spirituality's increased ability to embrace the enormous possibilities and complexities of life from its science-grounding, at its most basic core, it is rather simple.)

The four most simple and basic facts, actions, and attitudes of Evolution Spirituality practitioners are:

1.) Science has demonstrated that we are all embedded within one interconnected and interdependent universe and universal union!

Therefore nothing that is embedded in this one universe and the universal union is ever truly separate or excluded. When we understand and then act from this inherent physical universe truth of oneness and inclusion the separation and tensions of "us vs them" in our interactions with other people and things in life begins to dissolve to both our and the world's great benefit. Whole new possibilities of creative and loving action are possible when one realizes and embraces this "nothing is ultimately separate from you as scientific truth.

"Science is, at least in part, informed worship." Carl Sagan

2.) Science has demonstrated that the universe is engaged in a continuous, creative, and grand progressive evolutionary process and adventure that is actually going somewhere. Because we now know the universe's evolution is going somewhere --- we can:

a.) learn and apply the core meta-principles of evolution to tremendously improve our daily life success and,

b.) intentionally and awarely both align with and forward evolution's directionalized progress in a real co-partnership with evolution in the universe itself.

This great re-alignment of our lives with evolution's core meta-principles will greatly enhance our own success as well as help us to do our fair share to sustainably forward the progressive evolutionary progress of our groups, nations, and of all of humanity and life in the universe.

Over the past 13.7 billion years of progressive evolutionary creativity, the universe appears to hold a broad creative directionality within it and, has continually repeated certain patterns and actions, which causes certain parts and wholes within it to be sustained and thrive. When we understand these time-tested, science-illuminated evolutionary meta principles of sustainability and act to align with this universe's evolutionary directionality in which we are embedded our lives will also be as meaningful as they can possibly be and, if we are of a spiritual nature, we will be also living in an ethical congruity with the key elements of the moral codes of today's most life-affirming spiritual traditions.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." Carl Sagan

From the above, it becomes obvious that to be an effective individual (or an Evolutioneer, Planetary Citizen, Universe Citizen or, if you are of a spiritual nature, Evolution Spirituality practitioner,) it is absolutely essential to have a rich scientific understanding of the universe's evolutionary processes. One could hardly call oneself an effective individual if they did not actually have a current and comprehensive understanding of the universe's evolutionary processes and of evolution itself as a complex adaptive system.

If one did not really understand the system of meta-principles successfully used by the 13.7 billion-year-old universe for its own progressive evolution, how would one act to align with those key evolutionary principles to evolve and improve one's own life?

3.) Science has demonstrated that the future will always be full of uncertainty. This uncertainty means there are no 100% guarantees in life that you, humanity, life, or the planet as we know it will go on as it has previously!

Therefore always do what you can to manage your life so that you are awarely appreciating your life in each new now --- while simultaneously and appropriately --- working toward creating a more sustainable and thriving future!

Your life as well as any of the groupings in which you are embedded can end at any moment from a near endless list of internal and external reasons and circumstances, (which oftentimes are far beyond your direct control.) If you follow this first principle of "enjoy your life now" while also working diligently for a better world, you will never miss out on living consciously and enjoying your life today by emotionally or mentally being too much in either the past or the future.

4.) Science has clearly demonstrated that there is a current, critical, and rapidly escalating threat to the existence of the whole of humanity, other biological life on this planet, and future generations caused by increasing global warming and the 11 other worsening global challenges. This increasing global warming and its consequent global climate destabilization amplifying these 11 other global challenges is currently our greatest threat and if not immediately managed, will lead to either irreversible or near-extinction level climate destabilization. Therefore at this particular time in human history, the most practical and important first "life or spiritual" practice for all of us is to use the best knowledge of science and complex adaptive systems to help us prepare for and mitigate the current global warming crisis.

We can slow the human-caused warming of the planet in significant ways by doing our part to build sustainable prosperity lifestyles, livelihoods, communities, and nations. Then these new sustainability practices will also help us to maintain global temperature stability once we have eliminated the current looming ecological threat to our shared global climate and future. 

If we do re-stabilize the climate before we go off the climate destabilization cliff, we will preserve our planet so that all of the other life dreams that we now have individually and collectively can be achieved and, all of the other challenges that we face individually and collectively can be resolved. At this moment in history, if we fail to self-organize a solution and resolve the single greatest challenge now facing humanity (by executing an effective climate re-stabilization plan on a "first things first" priority basis as one of our life or spiritual practices,) the planet will continue escalating into deeper ecological and climate catastrophes. And this would result in a level that could soon become irreversible and then even evolve into a near-extinction or, an extinction-level event for all humanity (as well as most of the other species living on the Earth.)

In fact, ALL of our other spiritual practices, dreams, and goals fully depend for their very future existence upon us successfully stopping human-caused global warming. (Evolution Spirituality does have a specific social activism program to help you resolve humanity's number one threat --- climate destabilization caused by global warming. It is called the Job One for Humanity Climate Plan. 

To acknowledge this destabilizing climate and global warming reality with the appropriate individual action go to the Job One for Humanity multi-step plan right now and at least pick the single easiest step for you to begin. Begin it soon and when you have done that easy step sufficiently go on to the next easiest step etc.  There are important easy starting steps that you can do to make a real local difference!

If you hold, enact and live the above four core facts, actions, and attitudes listed above, you can be certain that you are a Level One Evolutioneer and if you are spiritual by nature, a Level One Evolution Spirituality practitioner. You also will be living the most successful, optimized, and meaningful life possible, and that you will be doing the most essential, effective, and important things critically necessary at this moment in history to help resolve the biggest challenges facing both your own life as well as humanity with our current global warming climate crisis...

Try reading and applying these four basics of Evolution Spirituality for 10 days and notice what happens to your life.

"A religion that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be evolutionary able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by traditional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."  Carl Sagan

"If you believe that evolution is real and that the discovery of evolution was one of the greatest discoveries in the history of humanity then you are already a member of our evolutionary community or you soon could be." Lawrence Wollersheim

