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The Home of Evolutioneers

Core Spiritual and Administrative Principles of Religion 2.0 and the Universe Community - Part 2

This is a continuation of "Core Spiritual and Administrative Principles, Part 1."

Please note: If you are of a spiritual nature, read the spiritual principles sections. If not, read only the administrative principles sections. If you are considering setting up your own independent local Universe Community and/or Religion 2.0 center, it is essential that you read all of the following administrative principles. If you are spiritual by nature, read the spiritual principles as well. They will greatly assist you in creating a successful and sustainable local center that works well and will be in general alignment with other collaborating centers. 

This page contains:

A Space of the Transcendent, Imminent and Universal

The Ultimate Reality is the transcendent, originating and universal source of all and paradoxically is both separate from and universally imminent in all reality. As a reflection of the Infinite, we intend to create both a transcendent and imminent non-denominational spiritual space. In this space, the individual can be their most authentic, creative, universal and transcendent Self and interact co-creatively with the Ultimate Reality as well as others also being their highest and most authentic and/or transcendent Selves.

This new type of non-denominational spiritual space frees the individual from the personal fragmentation, loneliness or restrictiveness caused by any inappropriate or disproportional lower self/ego preferences toward their current nationality, ethnicity, religion or other social, political and developmental "isms".. The individual can comfortably be their highest Self and in communion with other highest Selves, consciously choosing to also co-create this imminent and transcendent collective spiritual space.

When individuals inhabit and work from this transcendent and imminent space they naturally become more co-creative, synergetic and effective as partners with the Ultimate Reality in addressing any spiritual or secular challenge to the common social good or their personal well being. This is natural because this spiritual space qualitatively better reflects the transcendent, imminent and universal nature of both the Ultimate Reality and of the highest individual Self or individual spirit. In this new spiritual space individuals are and act as universal spiritual citizens and members of the universal family of the Ultimate Reality. Here both the individually and the collective can experience the unifying feeling and empowerment of both their common transcendent spiritual heritage as well as their imminent common humanity.

The Ultimate Reality is the transcendent, originating and universal source of all and paradoxically is both separate from and universally imminent in all reality. As a reflection of the Infinite, we intend to create both a transcendent and imminent non-denominational spiritual space. In this space, the individual can be their most authentic, creative, transcendent and imminent Self and interact co-creatively with the Ultimate Reality as well as others also being their highest and most authentic and/or transcendent and imminent Selves.

This new type of non-denominational spiritual space frees the individual from the personal fragmentation, loneliness or restrictiveness caused by any inappropriate or disproportional lower self ego preferences toward their current nationality, ethnicity, religion or other social, political and developmental "isms".. The individual can comfortable be their highest Self and in communion with other highest Selves consciously choosing to also co-create this collective spiritual space and new open source global Life and Spirit collaborative commons.

A Space of Interconnectedness and Interdependence

The space we seek to create is an interconnected space that recognizes the truth that all life is in an interdependent, interconnected web. The enhanced and synergetic interconnectedness of our space at its spiritual, social, physical and cyber levels might even cause this new type of space to manifests some leveraging quantum field characteristics.

Once this new interconnected and interdependent field of spiritual space has been established and maintained, because of the possibilities of its expanding synergy, its new knowledge and new tools should become easier for others to discover, know and use even outside of any direct contact with this new spiritual space or our organization.

A Space of Abundance and Diversity

Having a potentially or near infinite creative point of origin implies the capability of creating infinite or near infinite abundance and diversity. The original space field and Ultimate Reality (from which all things have come into being) is still birthing an infinity or near infinity of diverse manifestations in our expanding universe. Manifesting abundance and diversity is the creative condition of the Original Source as the original space field generator. There is no reason or objective evidence to assume inherent scarcity or the reduction of diversity is an intrinsic state or direction in the manifest evolutionary universes.

Consequently, Religion 2.0 fosters abundance and diversity consciousness and honors all creative solution finding. Scarcity is more illusion, fear, lack of recognition and/or lacking in the creative use of the infinite abundance of potentials and actual resources already present.

A Space of Certainty of Eventual Spiritual Success

Feel at peace and certain of your eventual spiritual success. From classical theology and mysticism all manifest self conscious life in its evolving forms, theoretically possesses infinite spiritual potential (as itself or in partnership with Ultimate Reality,) and is empowered to evolve successfully to higher levels of truth, beauty, goodness and consciousness, (which reflects the very reality, nature and purposes of the Ultimate Reality itself.) This implies there is a certainty of eventual spiritual success because of:

1.) the absolute and Ultimate Reality of All Reality itself exists,
2.) the infinite power of Ultimate Reality,
3.) nothing is unachievable by this Ultimate Reality,
4.) the special inheritance, Spirit presence, and potential that all manifest existence has received from Ultimate Reality is perfect or near infinite in potential.
5.) the nature of the Ultimate Reality is ultimate truth/wisdom, beauty and goodness and consciousness,  Ultimate Reality has a perfect evolutionary plan and is currently manifesting it perfectly,
6.) the infinite power and wisdom of Ultimate Reality is adequate to achieve any planned evolutionary outcome that reflects its nature, purposes and co-creative partnership with all manifest existence,
7.) the mystical/quantum level of the perfect evolutionary plan of the Ultimate Reality has in fact already been achieved in the timeless circle of eternity and infinity.

If the above is also your higher truth or belief, act in all things with hope, delight and certainty of eventual spiritual success! Your success is built upon perfect potential, a perfect plan and a perfect partnership and/or partner that will eventually achieve perfect evolutionary outcomes for each part of the whole as well as the totality of the whole in all final eternal spiritual outcomes.

To worry be pessimistic and uncertain of your eventual spiritual success is denying the higher nature and near infinite potentials both within and outside of yourself, capable of doing nearly anything. It is not just denying that same higher nature and potentials within your fellow man--- it is denying the Infinite as your most competent co-creative partner.

When you also add in that you are an interconnected and essential part of the most successful living system ever to exist --- the proven 13 billion years of the evolutionary process and its continual drive to manifest its basic success laws and patterns, what can you not be successful in when your actions and intentions are aligned with these great forces and their highest purposes!

A Space of the Sacred

Everything in Ultimate Reality is sacred. Some things have a more focused and concentrated reflection or presence of Ultimate Reality and we treat especially sacred; such as the cyber space on our web site, the space within our organizations and our member’s personal worship/meditation sanctuaries. These are sacred spaces where:

A.) individuals can tangibly feel the Presence of something greater than themselves.

B.) individuals can share their unique personal spiritual quest and it is honored and supported by our community and organization.

C.) we support the effort of a omni-denominational, global collective of spiritual individuals who are revealing or co-evolving a new collective-issue focused state of Ultimate Reality. In regards to this a new collective-issue focused state:

1.) the emergence of this new collective-issue focused state of Ultimate Reality has been predicted in different spiritual traditions and by diverse spiritual leaders.

2.) this collective-issue focused state of Ultimate Reality is already co-creatively partnering with a global collective of spiritually developed individuals for the purpose of co-evolving everything in the world toward better spiritual, social and physical conditions.

3.) the emergence of this state is a natural evolutionary spiritual manifestation and it is occurring now because this is precisely when Its presence and potentialities are most critically needed for our social, physical and spiritual co-evolution.

4.) this state in co-creative partnership with humankind’s best efforts, has the capacity to solve all of the serious challenges to survival that humankind faces in the 21st century and the third millennium.

5.) within our organization we call this unique collective-issue focused state of Ultimate Reality either Gaia or God, the Supreme (for individuals who come from a western spirituality focus), and Group Buddhahood, Gaia or the Group Buddha (for individuals who come from an eastern spirituality focus.)

6.) within the cyber space of our website this unique yet non-exclusive sacred presence of this newly emerged state of Ultimate Reality exists. Because of this sacred Presence, the cyber space of our web site is as sacred to us as the physical space of a mother church, founding temple, headquarters mosque or first established shrine is to the followers of any other religion.

When individuals find a temple, church, mosque etc that they are strongly and repeatedly drawn to it is primarily because of the invisible quality of authentic Spirit and spirituality they find within that physical space. This is not because of the magnificence of the physical space itself. This sacred spiritual space reflects the highest nature, qualities and purposes of the Infinite One and automatically empowers, educates and uplifts the individual spirit and soul. Within Religion 2.0 the act of creating and maintaining this invisible sacred spiritual space anywhere we might be present individually or as a group, is always far more important than building or owning permanent elaborate physical locations. This intentionally created invisible sacred spiritual space is always our highest form of invisible temple, tabernacle, church, mosque or sanctuary that we always seek to first establish within any physical space in which we find ourselves.

A Space for Individual and Collective Spiritualized Social Activism

We hold that:

  1. Today's social activism and spiritual stewardship Job 1 for Humanity is to live and promote an environmentally sound life to protect ourselves and future generations against the dangers of global warming.
  2. We improve the world most effectively by first focusing on improving ourselves and our own lives now! As Gandhi said, be the change you seek to make.
  3. We are responsible to create "heaven on earth" for ourselves right now by co-creating with Ultimate Reality through the natural processes of spiritual, social and physical evolution.
  4. Our belief in a better afterlife or a possible higher level of justice in the afterlife does not defer, delay or lessen our individual or collective responsibility to act NOW in the world to make a better and more just life for ourselves and others in this world now! We do not view the afterlife as the ultimate escape or an ultimate release from our individual co-creative responsibility to create a better life and world for ourselves in the present. We view it as just another step in the never ending adventure of spiritual evolution.
  5. Every freedom or right we have or are given has a corresponding responsibility. True freedom in spirituality or any other endeavor comes only when one freely chooses and lives according to the appropriate responsibilities, boundaries and limits wisely or naturally implied by that freedom or right.
  6. Spiritualized social activism is the best way to act collectively.
  7. As an organization, we will always maintain open sourced, collaborative systems for collecting and distributing spiritualized wisdom relating to social issues upon which we will co-act either individually or as an organization.
  8. Spiritual organizations have a spiritual obligation as co-creators in the evolutionary process and adventure to be socially active in creating a just, equitable and sustainable world.

The Ultimate Reality to Individual Relationship

In our post-postmodern times, we believe that an important way to describe the evolving spiritual relationship between Ultimate Reality and the individual is as a co-creative partnership. In pre-modern and even into modern times the best way to describe the evolving relationship between Ultimate Reality to and with the individual may have been the parent child or father or mother child relationship.

Now that our knowledge of Ultimate Reality has evolved over thousands of years and we better understand evolution itself, the parent or father child relationship by itself is no longer adequately supportive for the individual’s growth into a more mature, co-creative and co-responsible relationship with the Infinite. This new way of seeing this relationship also supports the individual becoming more co-responsible for co-creating a better world or "heaven on earth" in the present. This does not mean that the traditional parent child relationship will not be useful spiritually at certain times and for certain individual spiritual developmental states, but post-postmodern times have evolved our understandings to such a point that this is no longer the exclusive or even possibly the most relevant way to understand and frame the Ultimate Reality relationship to and with the individual in the evolving universes.

Click here to Continue Reading "A Summary of Our Administrative Space Qualities, Part 3."

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