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Supraconsciousness is the unification of Consciousness with the Subconsciousness, achieving this state of mind that will at its cumulus be experienced like Oneness with all energy, matter and time.

Those seeking evidence of the inherent connectedness and capacity of the subconciousness are advised to consider the observations made by Rupert Sheldrake and grouped under Morphogenetic Fields. Sheldrake asks how and why human beings and animals sense when they are being looked at or thought about. Modern Quantum Physics has several pioneers approaching potential explanations. One of these is David Bohm, his proposed underlying flow, the Holomovement suggests a differentiation of the measurable reality into an Implicate and Explicate Order which constitutes a folding by which even remote objects may be seen as one.

It is interesting to note that religious interpretations imply that the supraconscious state can be reached with help of the Holy Spirit of God. Even though not knowing supraconsciousness does not imply that consciousness and subconsciousness are 'divided against each other' the biblical author James 1:8 warns us that "A Double minded man is unstable in all his ways".Nike Air Max