More About the Basic Tensional Conflict Within Progressive Evolution

While it is true that the physical universe is the prime conditioning and qualifying context of evolution, there is another set of important contexts that bear mentioning. Those contexts are:

a.) the continuous tensions between the self-interests of the part and the self-interests of the whole and,

b.) the continuous tensions between the part and/or the whole and their changing environments, up to and including the whole universe.

Evolution successfully resolves the first tension by often evolving some form of empowered management at the level of the whole that coordinates and integrates the self-interests of the parts with the self-interests of the whole in a dynamic, ever-changing balance. This dynamically ever-changing balancing act is most successful when there is fair and appropriate distribution of energy, resources, and benefits between the parts and the whole. The tensions between parts and wholes within evolution and evolving systems are never fully resolved in favor of one side exclusively over the other. Without a dynamic and continuous balance of appropriate energy and resource sharing between parts and wholes, things break down and are recycled.

Evolution resolves the second tension challenge by adaptively and selectively applying its own set of core meta-principles for survival, reproduction, and life optimization in new environmental conditions. The self-interests, "values," and meta-principles of progressive evolution should be thought of as a set of tools for optimizing life success that must be wisely adapted in a balanced and appropriate manner to each new set of environmental conditions. These meta-principles will optimize your success in any set of environmental conditions, provided you are flexible and creative when applying them.

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